I wanted to use the same combination of man-made materials in a natural environment that is present in much of the work of David Smith. My sculpture is “made “ of several different materials as well, both metal and wood.

It is set in a grassy field, emphasizing the organic shapes of an inorganic medium. The dominant color of the background is clearly green, which provides a strong contrast with the brown and silver metals of the sculpture.

Don’t look too closely at the background, as it is just one smaller image tiled several times across a backdrop. This doesn’t stand out too much however, because the grass tends to all blend together and the focus is on the sculpture itself.

My sculpture is based on a small assembly of found objects I had built earlier.  The main difference I made in the final product was simplifying the shapes and lines. I would like the viewer to notice the various shapes that make up the central sculpture and the intersection of the different textures in the piece.