The title of my piece is Decomposure. In the early stages of creating my sculpture, I was immediately drawn to a found object resembling a slice of Swiss cheese; a flat piece of plastic with holes in it. It became the main element in my original sculpture because of its versatility and simplicity. I then photographed my sculpture, imported the photographs into Photoshop and made a line drawing that served as the basis for creating my 3D sculpture in SketchUp. As I worked, my sculpture came to resemble a decomposing space object, which prompted me to place it in an outer-space environment. My inspiration was the ostensible simplicity of David Smith’s sculptures; they seem to be stripped down to the very essence of the object he had in mind while creating them. In this same way, my sculpture is only the skeleton of a space object, left to the indifference of passing time. I hope that the viewer will understand that not all artwork exists in the tangible world around us. Although in essence my sculpture is just a sequence of 0s and 1s, in our imaginations it has the same solidity of David Smith’s work in the galleries of the Guggenheim.