Artist Statement

In this project, we were assigned to create a space that represents our memory of a place where we have spent a significant amount of time. This space that I created represents my home in New Jersey, in which I lived for the past eight years. Now I only go back to it on the weekends, and during the week it remains a memory. My home is important to me because I spent half my life there and grew up there. My family is always over, and the house always has a warm sense of feeling to it, even during the coldest winters.

I chose a few main elements to focus on--my room, the sun, the moon and stars, and the driveway. I created the room as the center because that is where I spend most of my time. The room represents my actual room, and the pictures represent the many memories of my room and home. When looking forward at the space, to the right is the sun, which represents the rest of my home. I put a sun because I feel many different kinds of warmth when I'm home.

On the left of my room is the moon and stars, which represent rest, another word that I associate with my home. My home is a place of rest for me when I return to it on the weekends from a busy life in the city. Right under the moon is a picture of my brother, and that represents his room. I put the moon over his room because he only sleeps there and runs around during the day, whereas I am the exact opposite. The moon and the sun together over my room show the many purposes of my room and house.

I also made the driveway because there are none like it in the city, and it welcomes only specific people to our home, whereas in the city anyone can walk into a lobby of a building. When I'm home, this gives me a sense of comfort and privacy that other people living in the suburbs may take for granted. In front of the driveway is my basketball hoop, and on top is a picture of my family, which welcomes everyone into the warmth of our home.