Artist Statement

The aim of the Memory Project was to create a space where we have spent a significant amount of time in the past. We were able to do this by using SketchUp, which is a program that can be downloaded off of Google.

The place that my piece represents is my grandmotherĊ's living room. This place is important to me because IĊ've spent a compelling amount of my childhood there and I generally donĊ't visit there too often because my grandparents live in Cincinnati, Ohio.

A few elements of this place that I had chosen to focus on were its warmth, calmness, and its comfortable nature. I chose these three elements because those were the elements that IĊ've remembered the most about the space. There were a few different ways that I arranged these elements in my piece. For instance, I used a lot of warm, calm, relaxing colors such as the different browns and woods and the smooth, soft peach of the couches and walls. I also worked hard to make the piece so that it makes you feel comfortable and calm while looking at it.

I also feel that my living room display can be very welcoming. On the fireplace mantle there are a few pictures of some of my family members in Ohio. From left to right, the first picture is of my cousin Chris. I decided to include his picture in my presentation because we spent many of our childhood days together and he just recently passed away. The second picture shows my cousins when they were younger and my grandfather in the process of turning on the fan. In the third picture, there is just my uncle Marvin sitting on a swing. And lastly the fourth picture shows a friend of the family Michelle holding my cousin, MichelleĊ's daughter Layla, my cousin Rodney and my grandmother all the way in the back.