Artist Statement

The assignment I chose was to recreate a public place by changing or adding things that would also change the way people would experience the place. I chose a public bus stop, similar to the one near my house, which is why there is a parking lot in the back. This place is not only important to me, but to many other people because it is a place of public transportation and allows those without cars to travel from one place to another above ground.

I focused on the seats, usual complaints at a bus stop, and the questions: What do people do while waiting for the bus? When they get on the bus? Can the inside of the bus be changed or improved? With these questions, I added more benches at the stop so more people can sit, shelter so people can hide from the heat or rain, and a television built in the ground so those waiting can be entertained. On the bus, I added trash cans since many buses have litter in them, televisions showing the local news so people can be informed even without a newspaper, and longer benches so hopefully more people can sit.