Artist Statement

My audio piece is meant to accompany Louise Bourgeois’ piece, Red Room (Child).

I had a very trial-and-error time of finding a topic I didn’t absolutely hate. When I first looked at this piece the first thing that came to mind was some form of madness or disarray, so I went for different degrees of dementia, different degrees of strange twistedness, when the idea of a mad doctor came into my head. The idea was there, the resources were there, all I had to do was hunker down and do it. After about four attempts to make a piece, I came down to what you’re about to hear. I’m not saying that my piece is by any stretch of the imagination great, but it can be enjoyed, I suppose. Enjoy the piece.

The most challenging part of this course, for me personally, was recording and sharing. Recording is much harder than people make it out to be. It’s like one small mistake, and BAM—its off to take two. It’s very pressuring. The sharing and constructive criticism really got to me too. I’m extremely stubborn, in art and other venues, but ferociously so in art. So it was hard for me to make changes, and accept advice, because I had such a rigid vision of what I wanted, I thought.

Truth is, most of the time I didn’t really know exactly what I wanted.