Artist Statement

This is my monologue piece. It is written from a unique point of view, and I want it to portray a very real aspect of life.

I was inspired to write my monologue by Louise Bourgeois’ Pink Days and Blue Days. The exhibit displayed clothing, hanging from various positions, and scattered on the desk. The way in which everything was positioned made me think of loss and abandonment. I wanted to represent the idea of death in a unique manner, so I thought of exploring it through the point of view of a gun.

The most challenging aspect of this project was that I had to deal with hearing my voice on a recording. That was most challenging because I don’t like the idea of listening to my own voice, and so I felt as if my problem with my own voice was making me dislike my piece as well. It was a difficult thing to get over, but I realized that I can’t do anything about the way my voice sounds, and so I decided to focus on what was being portrayed in my story, rather than how I sounded.


Sounds from Creative Commons website were used in this piece. The links below are to samples used.
