Artist Statement

My piece is about a lady whose name is Ms. Bresiette. She is dealing with the loss of her husband and is worried about losing the good memories of him. This is from the viewpoint of a neighbor who was a good friend of her husband. Hope you enjoy.

My inspiration for this piece came from Cell I. It all started with just jotting down ideas of a lady who is suffering from mental insanity and someone wants to put her in a mental institution. Then the idea started to to take form and I realized that I wanted to make the audience feel sorry for her.

The challenges that I faced doing this audio piece were putting emotion into the piece and not making it so complicated. My first draft was a little all over the place. Also during the peer conference everyone said it sounded more like a psychologist giving a diagnosis to a patient. The emotion part was really hard because it was a completely new way of writing for me. But after rehearsing it over and over again it became like second nature.