Artist Statement

When boredom and procrastination reign, I cannot help but photograph my surroundings. Photography entertains me and it is the only medium in which I can encounter liberation, though indeed procrastination still persists.

One of the assignments of the course was to photograph anything in our environment that we would like to point out to people. So the objects in these photographs have been captured both outdoors and indoors, and I have closely zoomed into them. The locations vary; some are objects in my living room as I sit tired on the couch while I procrastinate. The others are objects I've come across while walking to my different destinations. Photographs parade through my mind. Therefore, all of these subjects caught my eye and made me stop to capture their inner beauty. They are subjects that others might view as mundane.

In this series I try to walk you through my world, starting from my house and then escaping into the outdoors. By capturing the differences in sunlight and seasons, I convey the idea of time just flying pass me. Concluding the series with an endless train, I accentuate the fact that boredom and procrastination will forever exist.