The piece I picked was
done by an artist named Bill Viola, and the name
of his piece was Going Forth By Day. The panel
from the piece was called The Voyage.
The reason I picked this piece was because it reminded me of a
personal experience that I encountered on this earth. When I saw
the work, I remembered the picture of my great-grandmother lying
there on her deathbed, and everybody around her.
My Flash movie is a re-creation of Bill Viola's work The Voyage,
but there are a few personal touches that I added. In the Viola
piece, the person dies and leaves for the next life on a boat. Whereas
in my piece, the person's soul leaves the body and moves towards
the heavens. The flower in my piece symbolizes that the man is going
to die. But before he dies, the flower dies—to give the viewer
a hint that something is going to happen. This piece has a little
bit of my imagination as a child. To be around grown-ups who are
crying because their family is sick in bed almost on the brink of
dying. I had no idea what that feeling was until I was old enough
to understand the meaning of losing your loved ones; the pain I
felt when my grandmother died I imagine was almost the same that
they were feeling when they were crying and mourning their loss.