"More Than Meets the Eye," a 10-week after-school program for adolescents, met twice weekly in the S.R. Guggenheim Museum's Sackler Center for Arts Education during Fall 2002. Led by acclaimed new media artist Yael Kanarek, the program used the museum's exhibition Moving Pictures as a departure point for student inquiry.

The course integrated the study of selected works from the exhibition with learning of the animation software Flash MX as a technique for artistic expression.

During the course, two projects were created. The first was a playful animation made from digital photos taken in the museum's rotunda of "TV Garden" (1974), by pioneer video artist Nam June Paik. For the second project, students were asked to research and respond to a group of artworks selected from the exhibition. Their research was used as the basis for creating original, animated works of art that incorporated personal experience. This project required storyboarding techniques, the creation of source material, and the use of Flash animation.

The course culminated with a presentation of student work presented in the New Media Theater in the Sackler Center for Arts Education on Saturday, December 14, 2002.
