
(click to launch project)
The duality I chose to explore: loneliness
/ love. I picked this duality because I wanted to
show a piece of the
Country. I am from India. So I chose the Taj Mahal.
Taj Mahal means “Crown palace”. I picked
this duality because it has a beautiful story behind
it. The loneliness is because the man who built
it a Mugal Emperor Shah Jahan. The small house as
the loneliness repusents Shah before he fell in
love. Then I picked love because he loved this woman
Mumtaz Mahal, a Persian Princesses so much, that
he promised her four things: one, that he would
build the Taj Mahal, second he shall marry her,
third he would be nice to all her kids, and fourth
that he
would visit her tomb on her death anniversary. He
had fulfilled the first two promises, but couldn’t
finish the rest because he had sadly died. So the
Taj Mahal is a big sign of Love. The symbols I had
created and used in my animation were a sun, a small
house forming into the Taj Mahal as a sign of the
Loneliness to Love and also a sun to show how long
the love lasted and how strong it was. I really
had fun with this project, It was very interesting.